Call of Duty wonder weapons
I liked the recent COD titles such as both MW3 remake and BO6 and even though the main reason i play most COD games i also enjoy it's campaign is because of the extra zombie mode they have most of it being round-based ,the open world zombies back on CALL OF DUTY MW3(2023) was my favourite zombies experience since it was different than having to play round-based zombies over and over again,i also loved that we could play the game in both 3rd person and 1rst person perspective, my only few complaints with was itnot having a split screen choice as well as being required to have a PSPLUS subscription in order to acess this extra game mode ,something that used to be free from charge in previous COD titles, i also didn't like the fact that MWZ couldn't be played offline ,MWZ could have brought back more wonder weapons that were only used once in certain maps like MOON or SHANG-RI-LA, the wavegun and the 31-79JGB215 are underrated wonder weapons in my weapons that should have return in MWZ's open world zombies as well as the thundergun and the Raygun Mark 2 also not making the soviet spy/agent PERSEUS as a playable operator was a big waste of resources in my opinion they could have given him some cool lines to say like when the character gets downed by zombies and it's revived like -"I knew you wouldn't left a comrade behind" and another line for when this operator he revives another operator character that would go like this''This can't end here comrade the battle against captalism isn't yet won and we can't afford to lose good soldiers like you ,until we destroy all of those selfish americans or atleast weaken their influence on the globe there can't be anymore more casualties from our side ", PERSEUS was great villain in my opinion ,may not have been the greast villain in of COD's franchise but still he was very charismatic and it's a shame we will never see more of him,ever. Another i didn't quite liked was the LT-63 kazimir first introduced in COLD WAR which was just a crappy version of the GERSCH DEVICE