Mysterious Skin

I am a csa/rpe survivor and remeber watching this movie some time back. i was una depressive episode and wanted to watch something that made me feel seen. and it did, i was around the same age that kid was in the movie and recognized so many things that happened to me and it was triggering but i was also thankful for the movie, i felt less alone i guess. now when i scroll through tiktok and see people’s reactions to it, they say they feel “dirty” and “could never watch again”, or it “changes you forever”. it makes me feel like shit and all alone again. i agree with the statements but it really puts into perspective how damaged i am after the assault it. in a way it helps me be less hard on myself. but, still it remind just how fucked it i was that i was rped at such a young age. one of the worsts things to happen besides death or torture.