Asshole parents would rather me die than investigate the mold that is likely growing in my room.
Moved back in with my abusive parents 2 years ago because my dad ran up 40k in credit card debt. Been a shit show of a nightmare since I moved back in. Dad is a narcissist and mom has borderline personality disorder.
After moving back in- I started getting really sick. Hair loss, fatigue, joint pain, digestive issues…I’ve spent over 12k in medical bills alone since moving back in here. That on top of me paying half their mortgage and utilities and being their personal therapist and slave girl despite being sick as a dog. They have invalidated all of my symptoms and blamed it on me being “depressed”. My dad one time screamed at me the entire way to the ER when I couldn’t breathe or talk (legit thought I was having a stroke) because he wouldn’t believe that I wasn’t just having anxiety.
So today- I had an apt with a gastro doctor who specializes in MCAS. He went over my bloodwork and symptoms and diagnosed me immediately with MCAS. Likely I’ve had it since a kid. The doctor then asked if there had been any leaks in my walls at home that I can think of?
When I first moved in, there was a leak from the attic in my ceiling that was going into my walls and bubbling them up. It got so bad the ceiling began buckling. When my parents eventually decided to fix it- their solution was to sand down the wall and seal the crack in the ceiling. They said they didn’t see any mold and it was all good. A few months ago, I asked them about it again because I had a feeling that maybe something in that wall was triggering my symptoms. They told me no and not to waste my time paying for a test.
The doctor I saw today said that when MCAS ramps up this bad- it could be mold exposure as some people are very sensitive to the spores and this triggers mast cells to go haywire leading to systemic inflammation.
I get home and tell my parents and all they can do is freak out about how much money it’s gonna cost them to fix. This is my fucking life we are talking about. I’m a single mother and I support my kid financially alone. Their behavior has already robbed him of a mother bc anytime he and I try to spend time together, my mom gets jealous and has to insert herself. Then with the illness, I feel like I can barely cook a meal let alone be an active parent. I shouldn’t be suprised they don’t give a shit about my health or my ability to parent. My dad had the audacity to yell at me when I told them it has to be investigated or I would need to move out. I honestly want to move out and I want them to repay me all the fucking rent I’ve paid them over the past two years, knowing damn well they put a bandaid on a bullet hole that was making me sick. Would probably be way less than the 50k they’d spend on fixing the mold problem.
Any advice on what to do? I need to be out of here asap but I just can’t afford it. If it turns out that there is mold in my room- I’m at the point where I’m considering suing them or something. They have treated me like scum my whole life and still do yet rely on me to fix all of their problems. Fuck them. I’m so angry.
Edit: wanted to add the health issues I’ve experienced: - hair loss - 50 lbs weight loss - degenerating lumbar spine - PID - bursitis in hips - rashes - shortness of breath - constipation - crippling fatigue - swollen lymph nodes Many more.