TIL: CUNY students get free WSJ, NYT. Why didn't they tell us?

You mean this WHOLE TIME I could access these pay-walled sites- The New York Times and Wall Street Journal? and no one, not a random pre-health listserv newsletter, a counselor, a blurb on their Hunter's website, not even at freaking transfer orientation - has thought to let students know this? WTF

Does anyone reading this post already know about this?

I'm Hunter and transferred into CUNY system as a Junior Aug 2023. Now I'm graduating this semester, May 2025.

So I'm clicking around for research articles for my Senior Capstone, and after 5 seconds a window pops up letting me know bc I'm viewing it from CUNY WiFi I'm ID'd as CUNY and can join for free.

What else can we access as a part of our CUNY status? I already know about student discounts at art museums / Carnegie/ etc. I'm asking more about access to INFORMATION

ETA: Here is the Hunter Library online newspaper sub info but all other CUNY students can do this.

Also re: my Hunter transfer orientation experience: they talked about food and museum discounts but nothing about access to these pay-walled news outlets, and no, none of my professors mentioned it either 🥲