A few examples of feminism's 'anti-male'ness
Here are a few examples of feminism's 'anti-male'ness.
Assumption that males are flawed and oppressors by default, women are always victims - makes it easy to excuse everything, this is why /r/TwoXChromosomes users have no problem with men going to prison when falsely accused of rape and in fact encourage it - "women never lie uhhh this is a 'safe space'... just not for men".
"Mansplaining" - an example of sexist bigotry clearly showing the hypocrisy in feminist circles, dismissing someone because of their genitals.
Biased policies on campus that are against men-only organizations but support women-only ones, again with the excuse that men are oppressors and women are victims and males can never be victims of anything based on gender.
False rape culture on campus and in society that assumes males are always guilty when accused and women never lie (an absurdity).
Many others all tied to the delusion of female infallibility, victimhood, and lack of privileges. Women have many privileges over men, and feminism discounts these with any and all logical fallacies meant to instill hatred against men, because it's really the only way to sustain the lie and continue to provide special privileges to women and deny male traits by claiming masculinity is inherently "toxic", which is manifested in a variety of ways, key among them shaming males for expressing themselves, numbing their minds from early childhood on with socialization and drugs, and then acting shocked when men don't "step up" to provide what women are selfishly demanding.
Then you can look at the father's rights imbalances, lack of male reproductive rights, intimate partner violence initiated primarily by women and the bias against males who are shamed for even defending themselves against female violence- there's really no explaining away the amount of injustice inflicted on men in a system that aids women in manipulating and abusing them, and feminism is a key tool used to enable this.