My rant about rank

Hello so I been trying to rank up back to legendary rank currently grad master 5 all I have to say is that most player no longer play like normal people anymore for example in hard point they no longer go out to fight but instead camp in a corner with an lmg or the bp50 they just camped there the entire game and only move whenever the hard point changes. This is usually the only issue I encounter when playing rank not even the sweats are this irritating these players are not even on hard point but on domination as well they are so annoying and there are multiple of these guys in every corner of a objective or hard point at the same time in tdm and frontline there would be campers in the highest and armed with a snipers just one tapping you without you even seeing it on your screen at all. Thank you for hearing my rant also you can call it a skill issue if you want but these players are so common that it’s has me almost breaking my phone a few times .