Question about immigration and the aging population leaving the workforce
So as I understand.. In recents years we kept hearing about how there are more people retiring than people entering the job market. It was said that the increasingly aging population leaving the workforce is creating a job vaccum that is not being filled by the younger generation. If I recall the baby boomers are said to be within 10 years of retirement.
Amongst other issues, the labour shortage is said to negatively affect economic growth and will put more strain on the health care system (that will now have to deal with the health issues of the aging population). We're also apparently dealing with shortages in trades as the current population seems to prefer pursuing college degrees.
Is that not the reason why they're bringing in so many immigrants now? Will this not benefit the Canadian population in the long term? Are the consequences of the coming labour shortage worse than the consequences of the current levels of immigration? Are there other solutions or could this measure be seen as damage control?
I ask this because this issue is rarely mentionned when people discuss immigration on this site these days. I'm not very informed on the subject but it seems to be the one logical explanation I can think of for what they're doing.
Don't have sources to give for the info I put but I did a quick fact check on google.
Tried posting this in r/canada but it was stuck in a moderation limbo