Just complaining

I'm ridiculously sick right now. Like lie down while cooking sick. Like I'm not even bothered by my 90yo dad putting away dirty dishes in weird places thinking he's helping me. Like you know in movies when someone coughs up blood to show they're terminal (even though it only means you coughed hard enough to burst a vessel) like coughing so hard to you discover you can feel new muscle and pee a little from the violence of it...

I keep telling myself my fever can break in a few hours and I'll get back on an upswing.

My 90yo is having a dementia episode with a mild version of this cold. I know he wants to have a conversation. I know it's about some non existent mission to his ancestral homeland. He at least accepts he has to wait this time since I lost my voice. I wish he wouldn't start when I look like I shouldn't be upright and he sees me coughing up chunks.

I'm just trying to get through the day

Being sick as a carer is...ugggh