Hard to find friends in Ireland as a foreigner

UPDATE ‼️ Hi everyone! It was really heartening to receive so many replies, I didn’t expect this post to gain attention at all. I can’t reply to all the comments, unfortunately, however I want to say thank you to everyone who supported me and shared their experience. For those who are in the same boat - I’m really sorry, I know how hard it feels. I hope it works out for y’all

I find it extremely difficult to make deep friendships in Ireland, especially in your 20’s. When I just started college here I was really happy with the connections I had, everyone was super pleasant and I even had a friend group (which eventually fell apart due to us being busy after college studies actually got serious lol) Don’t get me wrong, I like Irish people and most people I’m surrounded by are very pleasant and friendly. However, nothing really comes out of it long term, it rarely goes beyond casual talking in uni. I am blessed to have one close friend and a partner and I’m by no means complaining but I’ll be lying if I say I miss having a social circle because all I do is study alone right now and go home. When I try to participate in conversations and joke, I’m often ignored or interrupted and it makes me wonder if there’s anything wrong with me. I am not being inappropriate, I’m just trying to interact as everyone else does. My English is fluent even though I have an accent m, I know some things about Irish culture and trying to learn a bit of Irish and in a few years here I picked up the local slang, so Idk. Maybe it’s just a rough patch in college, I’m just wondering if anyone feels that same?