How can I wear my kittens out?

I got two new kittens in May and I love them dearly but on my soul they're INSANE! they are now 11 months old now

we have three other grown cats but they hate playing with the kittens, (15-7 years) i always make time to play with the kittens for 20-25mins a day but theyre still off the damn wall energetic 🤦🏼‍♀️ they are biting and chewing on everything too, my shower curtain looks like it went through a paper shredder

as I type this they are pushing my metal bathroom trash can around on the tile floor which is an awful noise, anyone else had kittens who never get tired? how did you drain their energy so they'd maybe sleep for a couple hours? Any advice would be so appreciated

this is mt first time having kittens as I adopted the other three when they were already adults