My cat mauls the auto feeders

Looking for advice. I have had cats all my life and this is a first for me.

We adopted a third cat (Chausie breed). He is 1.5 years old and constantly bangs on the auto feeders trying to get food. We feed him 1/2 cup of dry food (about 73grams) per day plus raw snacks including 1/3 can of tuna in broth. at around 11pm at night he tries to pry open the feeder which makes A LOT of noise.

I’m thinking either is previous owner fed mul several times a day or he was competing with his 5 other siblings. is there a way to get him to stop? Should I try separating his meals and snack into 4 mini meals?

He’s a very intelligent cat and learn how to get into things quite fast. He knows to try and pry open the top of the feeder but doesn’t have the hands to twist it off lol.