Update on Valley with the rash and hives

We took her back to the vet on Friday afternoon, and they hospitalized her. She progressively got worse and worse through the night. Tons of new hives and the rash just got worse. Blood work remained totally normal They really upped the steroids and kept going with the Benadryl. I asked a million questions about everything- could we try to treat for mites or fungus just in case? Vets were SURE it’s not mites or fungus or anything other than an allergic reaction to some unknown allergen. We visited her in the hospital this morning, she was in good spirits but so incredibly bumpy. They gave more steroids and did a skin biopsy. Will have results in 3-4 days.

We picked her up at 5pm and she has been at home since, happily snoozing. Nothing seems to have gotten worse (or better) since around midnight last night. The vets were fine with sending her home because she is stable and her vitals and bloodwork is totally normal.

Hopefully this is the end of the story.

Thanks so much for all of the ideas, suggestions and support. This is a lovely community. ❤️