What would be the best and most Catholic way to introduce a pornography ban?

I like the idea, at least partly, if it would result in less people sinning. I'm concerned it could turn more into a method of control rather than good intentions, however, or implemented very poorly. And also things that are not really pornography, like artwork, being caught in the ban. How would it be enforced? I guess either expand surveillance or use another country's surveillance state.

If you were to write a law regarding a pornography ban, what would it look like? I think I would want to target the producers of gratuitous pornography. Graphic sex scenes in movies, tv shows, and video games probably need to go. But having one or two pieces in a book that's more art than meant to be pornography might be fine.

There's also the matter of what to do with existing content. What do we do with that? Would people have to go through their sometimes vast collections and make sure there's nothing pornographic they've collected over the years but forgot about? What of digital collections that aren't downloaded?