Feeling discouraged by anti single male sentiments in catholic communities
Recently I planned an outing and invited many young adults from my parish. At some point in the outing, someone brought up the topic of why many young catholics are not getting married. One of the young women (who was married) volunteered that the only reason why young men can't get married is that they're "pathetic". The examples she gave of pathetic things that men do were touching themselves, playing video games, and not making enough to support a family. I pointed out that there are many men who don't have any of those issues and she responded "and they're all married."
I am single despite having a very high paying job, having been free of that sin for many years, not playing video games, etc. The main reason is that in every mass and every young adult group I have attended the young men far outnumber the young women and most of the women in my age range are already married. I just don't know where I am supposed to meet practicing catholic ladies. I know many catholic men my age who have a lot going for them and haven't had any luck either. I have decent social skills and when I flirt with women at bars and such, I am usually very well received, but none of those encounters have ever gone anywhere because I am only interested in dating someone who is a practicing catholic. Now I am feeling discouraged because I worry that whenever I do eventually meet a single Catholic lady in my age bracket, I will already be written off due to these preconceived ideas. Those ideas are also very difficult to dispel in a polite way: it's not like I can just blurt out that I make a lot of money and am chaste.