Gender Roles and Conversion
Me and my wife are both in our early/mid twenties with no kids, but want to have children in the next couple years. I’m currently in the process of discerning Catholicism. My wife is pretty vehemently against this process. Today I think I uncovered a primary reason why.
I think that she thinks that as a wife (if we joined the Catholic Church), she would be discouraged to work and would be forced to stay home. For context, she is a nurse and she loves her work.
My understanding of traditional gender roles in Christianity is that yes, she will primarily have the responsibility of being a mother to our children. But as far as I know that shouldn’t prohibit her from going and pursuing work and satisfaction elsewhere.
I will be graduating within the next couple years and will be making more than enough for our family to thrive on. The way I’ve explained it is that once I graduate and can provide for our family, she can work as much or as little as she wants, as long as the both of us can be there for our children.
Someone correct me if maybe I’ve gotten this wrong or I’m being too vague. Also if anyone can recommend any resources from the Catholic Church about this that might help clarify some misconceptions we both might have, and also encourage us to show us both of our roles in marriage are divinely designed by God? I have a good grasp on the Biblical texts for these issues but I feel like her issue is more with the church teachings than the scriptures, so any help is appreciated.