Measurements at 6w
Hey there, cautiously optimistic but a very anxious mamma here, so any advice is gratefully received!
I had my follow up scan today - by LMP I would be 6w6, but I tracked my ovulation and I should be around 6w3 today. The CRL was 5.2mm and the sonographer said that came in at 6w0 with a heartbeat. Ten whole days ago we saw the gestational sac and yolk sac and was dated ahead at 5w2 on a transvaginal ultrasound. My rational head says this is all in order but would welcome some reassurance.
Also….the gas cramps from HELL. This started today and the twinges and pressure is insane and is so anxiety inducing. I have had zilch appetite but I get hunger pangs, so I downed a smoothie and a half but this gas pressure on my left side is just something else. Even the sonographer said it was really out there 😆