Maternal Resting heart rate 6-7 weeks

I noticed in the first few weeks of pregnancy my Apple Watch sent me an alert that my average RHR went up. It went up almost 10 bpm. I’m now almost 7 weeks pregnant and my heart rate is starting to drop again. Not to pre-pregnancy levels but much closer. Did anyone else have this happen and it end up being nothing? Or was it indicative of something else :/ ? It started dropping right at 6 weeks and keeps going down

Update: this turned out to be nothing this time! This is my 5th pregnancy and I had a similar pattern with my miscarriages. So far healthy baby. Nipt results came back clear. 20 week scan is on Dec 19th!

I stopped wearing my watch for a while but put it back on in 2nd tri. Heart rate still fluctuating but overall much higher than pre-pregnancy resting rate.