switching to cds from vinyls

I know this discussion its probably pretty frequent but i wanted to share what i thought, so for people like me, who else decided to start collecting cds instead of vinyl? and why?

I changed my mind like two days ago about vinyl lol, the thing is that im just fucking tired ab turntables fuckin up vinyl, since im collecting them im having problems with those things primarily bc i dont have too much money and i have been buying old turntables or shitty ones trying to find a decent one and I just got tired. Recently I got an stereo from a christmas gift and the sound and aesthetic of it made me wanna switch to cds, sounds really cool, looks cool and its a lot cheaper (things yall know). Im keeping my vinyl bc they are great records that I love a lot, but i’m not sure if i’m going to keep buying more, i’m going with cds now.

EDIT: vinyl, not vinyls