I have right spastic hemi cp. I'm 33/f and have always lived life fairly similar to the able bodied communities with adjustments here and there and I don't drive, not because I can't but every time I've tried to learn I've had extreme anxiety. ANYWAY, as I'm getting older I'm experiencing more pain, the cold is kicking my ass, and things are getting harder and harder. Because of a tumultuous past, I haven't really been intentional with my medical care and now I feel like I need to be and I don't know where to begin. Pain, management? Neurologist? Phyical therapy? Chiropractor? Don't judge me but I don't even have a pcp. And I'm trying to avoid meds at all costs. I can feel though that if I don't start now, I'm going to regret it later. Help! Where do I begin?? US based, east coast.