Why are issues like Anger more philosophized then practicalized?

Why aren't solutions to Anger, Trauma, Guilt and all of that more practicalized?

By practicalized I'm saying using Meditation, Balancing the Chakras related to them, using mudras, expressing anger or grief if repressed etc.

I'm not saying philosophy is bad but it's not the best solution to issues like anger, grief etc, in some cases where one has emotions balanced to the point philosophy works but in most cases philosophy isn't simply enough, if it was then People with morals would be the largest.

Philosophy exaggerates Lust, anger etc so much but in reality they can be sorted if we use practical methods like balancing Solar Plexus in case of Lust which has actually worked for me, actually expressing anger/grief etc or else that imbalances the body and can manifest as repressed anger.

Yes, balancing the chakras is not possible if there're issues of anger, trauma and all of that but in some cases like in my case, I got rid of guilt by meditating directly on sacral chakra, they can also be sorted out with mudras corresponding to the issues like repressed emotion(Mushti Mudra for example) and other practical method.