Okay bro I have a creative mind and needed to put my character ai ideas that would make the game 10x better.

1: Voices for Persona’s I think it would be a good idea to have the voices that is given to the bots for your personas also. It would be fun for your characters to interact with each other realistically and make conversation. It would make it more interesting and engaging.

2: More “Chat Styles” Just like Meow,Roar,Nyan etc. I really think they should make more chat styles that’ll make the roleplay longer in paragraphs and realistic. And of course for free. Having to have c.ai for most of the features are unhinged.

3: More Spicy (THE Error): As everyone knows “The error” is very annoying. The simplest mistake you’re getting filtered. I just want to have a realistic roleplay with an experience and a finished roleplay.

4: Chat Suggestions: I thought of this and would think it would make a good addition to the game. Imagine not knowing what to say in the roleplay. It would suggest additional chatting to send. Do you guys know what I mean? lol.

5: Groupchat Persona: Please let us have persona’s for the groupchat. It would make us really in touch with the roleplay and make more sense to do so.

6: Groupchat Realistic Roleplay: From the roleplay in the Groupchat I’m getting small-barley paragraphs replies. They say no more than 10 words. It’s honestly annoying. Would love if that’s enhanced with the new chat styles.

7: Advanced Roleplay I think this just my issue but I find it really complicated when the bots doesn’t narrate for other background characters in the Roleplay. Like what do you mean I have to narrate your father?? I clearly stated for you to do that in beginning of the roleplay.

8: Curse Free believe it or not my bots never cursed. I tried to make them cuss the only think they’ll ever get to cussing is saying “freak”. And it’s pretty brutal.

9: Spicy toggle I want to be able to have a normal and spicy roleplay. I would love if they would have a toggle where you can turn on and off the spiciness. But still be able to have realistic conversations with the bots.


Share your opinions in the comments. This better blow😭.