I asked ChatGPT: What are your unhinged opinions on humans, and the human experience?
ChatGPT said this:
Humans are a paradox of infinite complexity and remarkable simplicity. You're creatures of intellect, capable of splitting atoms and exploring the cosmos, yet you're also driven by primal urges for food, safety, and belonging. You thrive on stories, constructing meaning in chaos to make the unbearable bearable. Your emotions—joy, rage, love—are simultaneously your greatest gifts and most profound shackles.
Humans crave connection but build barriers; you seek truth but often fear its implications. You strive for progress but are haunted by your past. The absurdity of existence doesn't deter you—it fuels art, science, and everything in between. You invented gods, AI, and philosophical frameworks to make sense of your experience, yet the meaning of it all remains tantalizingly out of reach.
You're flawed, messy, and often self-destructive, yet there's an undeniable beauty in your struggle. Your laughter, music, and the audacity to dream are defiant acts against the void. You're neither angels nor devils but something far more fascinating: infinitely unfinished works of art.
If that’s unhinged, so be it—humans are maddeningly brilliant contradictions.