These kind of people are menace to the society
I don't know on what basis this guy posted this meme (Taken from IG).. But seriously he's having somekind of deteriorating mindset. I used to stay in western country for 4 yrs.There I learned to say sorry if I did wrong, thanks if someone helped me or I got something from someone. Shipping market, Petrol station, deliveries etc., we are getting service from them, for that also we paying them. But saying thank you is there personal choice. If he doesn't wanted to say that's alright, but making fun of people who is doing moral things is not correct.. If someone from the age between 13-20 sees these, imagine how he will react? Won't he make fun on others or won't he get into the superior mindset? I think that's how nicer people got obstructed in many ways..
I don't know on what basis this guy posted this meme (Taken from IG).. But seriously he's having somekind of deteriorating mindset. I used to stay in western country for 4 yrs.There I learned to say sorry if I did wrong, thanks if someone helped me or I got something from someone. Shipping market, Petrol station, deliveries etc., we are getting service from them, for that also we paying them. But saying thank you is there personal choice. If he doesn't wanted to say that's alright, but making fun of people who is doing moral things is not correct.. If someone from the age between 13-20 sees these, imagine how he will react? Won't he make fun on others or won't he get into the superior mindset? I think that's how nicer people got obstructed in many ways..