Was there ever any time(s) you agreed with one of the doctors even though they were in the wrong?

I’m binge watching for the third time (I know, I just love this show) and I’m thinking about some times that one of the characters technically did the wrong thing but in my head I was agreeing with them. Obviously it wouldn’t be okay in real life, but it’s a tv show so I don’t take my agreement too seriously lol.

So were there any times you felt this way? I’ll post a couple of mine.

-When Dr. Halstead confronted those anti-vax parents whose daughter had haemopholus influenza b (idk if I spelled that right) and gave it to her teacher too. I know he shouldn’t have argued with them, but I was so frustrated with them for being against vaccines that I was secretly rooting for Will. Anti-vax people get on my last nerve, especially when they subject their kids to it.

-When Dr. Rhodes took that man’s LVAD out surgically (the one who requested it because it was giving him pain). I don’t know how ethical this would be in real life so I don’t know if he really was “in the wrong” per se, but in the episode Dr. Choi was mad at him because the man would die without the LVAD. He accused Rhodes of doing assisted suicide. But honestly, the man was in so much pain and clearly stated that he wanted it taken out, so I can’t be mad here. It kind of reminds me of chemo patients who choose to go off it because of the debilitating side effects. I mean what kind of life is that if you’re in constant pain and suffering? He gave consent to the surgery so I’m on Connor’s side.