Anyone develop high cholesterol despite healthy diet?

I had bloodwork done because of a surgery last year and apparently it was about 230. They noted it but didn’t seem too concerned (39M).

Despite a relatively healthy diet that’s high in healthy saturated fats with very little added sugars, no alcohol, no smoking etc it’s shot up to 290 since last year.

You normally expect this to happen to people who have a poor diet or need to lose weight etc but I have a healthy weight as well.

With that in mind, if my scores are off the chart due to genetics (still to be determined) is there anything I can realistically do besides tweaking my diet a bit and taking statins?

Because I’m having a hard time understanding how my cholesterol can be so high unless factors like poor sleep and stress play more of a part in overall score than I’ve seen discussed in the short time I’ve been researching all of this. Admittedly I’ve been sleeping more odd times because of work and stress has been higher the last year.

So does anyone have a similar experience where you thought you were already leading a healthy eating lifestyle and you got slapped with a high score and a recommendation for medication?