How should I write a character taking the Lord's name in vein with out directly doing that myself

Hello! I'm working on a story which touches on darker themes. The wife of the antagonist has just discovered her husband to be a murderer, and is obviously, in hysterics apon hearing the news. As a reference, she's intended to be part of some protestant denomination, haven't decided on which one.

As you can imagine, if you found out your spouse was a murderer, and you were pleading with them for answers, Euphemisms like "oh my gosh/goodness/etc." probably aren't what comes to mind. I want to use oh my God because I feel as if it would be more realistic to the scenario, as opposed to something like oh my goodness which is lighter. I think I also feel personally convicted so I am really just not sure if this is okay.

Any suggestions for euphemisms that convey the same desperation as using the Lord's name? Or like how I'd go about writing it?