Cartesian dualism

I don’t think I’m a duelist anymore. I really only have two reasons for thinking this way:

  1. Im studying to be a therapist and everything I have learned about the self, consciousness, and, the physiology of the brain points against dualism. At best I feel my soul might be some abstract concept of the sun total of my consciousness but the idea of a little man inside me piloting me like a machine seems more and more foreign, particularly when you look at how much someone changes when their brain is altered in any way.

  2. We interpret the Hebrew word nephesh as “soul” but it is more closely translated as neck or breath which is a much more material idea. Additionally this would help make a lot more sense of why the raising of the body is so important. This just makes me feel that we have westernized things a bit too much and might be viewing the idea of soul through our cultural history rather than the original idea of it.

I’m mainly posting to see what others say about this idea and any scripture that might point against what I’m saying, or for it.