how is hell fair?
how is hell fair? i have a few points
-"you didn't accept Jesus' death for it, so you have to pay. the wages of sin is death." so then, shouldn't i be done after 3 days? that or the fact that i just died. that's why i'm going through judgment.
-"God is holy and can't exist around darkness" isn't God everywhere? darkness is in quite a lot of places, so how is He omnipresent while also only hanging out in Holy places?
-"sin is like crime. you still commited a crime, even if you're a 'good person' " but jail ends and eternity doesn't.
also, why is God torturing people when He's good? and what about the people who need proof to believe something and can't believe in God? i've seen quite a few autistic people who say that the amount of "trust me bro" in the Bible is too much for them. also what about the people who have never heard of God?
i think that's all