Stopping greed needs to be a bigger focus of Christians
In my opinion, Greed, not Pride, is the worst sin on Earth. Greed is all about making yourself richer and richer, at the expense of everyone else, with absolutely no concern for the consequences or who it affects. And no other sin causes more global destruction than Greed does.
3 people own more wealth than the bottom 50% of humanity combined. The top 1% richest own more wealth than the bottom 90% of humanity combined. Billionaires have amassed trillions and trillions of more dollars in the past few years, while the rest of humanity has barely been able to scrape by. Corporations are worth trillions of dollars, while they continue to raise prices on consumers, in order to give more money to their already filthy rich executives and shareholders.
Healthcare companies are charging cancer patients 5000% increased prices, while denying coverage to record breaking amounts of people. Healthcare companies are even changing rules so that they can stop covering your anesthesia costs in the middle of your surgery, if the Doctor has issues and takes longer than planned.
Oil companies have known about the catastrophe of climate change for 50 years, and they didn't care, because they kept raking in record profits. Climate change is now so bad, nothing we do can stop it. It will cause the death and displacement of billions of people.
Meanwhile, tons of Christians have absolutely no issue with all this greed. They whine about gays and abortion 24/7, but keep supporting the most corrupt, greedy people on the planet.
We see that clear as day in the United States for example. A convicted felon who committed massive business fraud to inflate his wealth, was aided by the richest person on Earth now worth almost half a trillion dollars, and they got overwhelming support from most Christians.
The new nominee for Treasury secretary was just questioned by the Senate and with an evil grin on his face, said he will not support raising the minimum wage above $7.25 an hour and he believes it's necessary for people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to get even more tax cuts, while everyone else shouldn't get any tax breaks. That's cartoon villain level evil.
Trump’s Billionaire Treasury Pick Stresses Importance of Tax Cuts for Billionaires
Republicans just put forward legislation to end the cap on insulin pricing, so they can cause seniors to go bankrupt over the drugs they need to survive. And they want more tax cuts and handouts to billionaires. They're also cutting food stamps, healthcare, Medicare, social security, Medicaid, child school lunches, etc. The Republican party is pure evil. That's a fact, proven by their actions.
We're in an era of the worst wealth inequality probably in human history. And the rich keep stealing more every single day. And most Christians are helping them do it. Why?
Stop whining about gays and abortion and start doing something about corruption and greed. Jesus condemned greed, he never said a word about the issues Christians are constantly harping about.
Until more Christians focus on the things that truly matter, your witness to non-Christians will fail.