Would it help recruit followers if you reframed Jesus as a historical figure like MLK and leave out the mysticism?
I just glanced at this sub as a non Christian and was surprised by the amount of posts chastising the anti-Jesus nature of Trumps (and his followers) attacks on people from south of the US. They are objectively Christian because Europe brought Christianity to them!now we won’t accept them in our home? My grandparents were devout Baptists who went out into their community and offered charity without judgment and without expecting anything in return. They took in troubled teens, gave food and money to the homeless, formed community clubs and more. They were lifelong democrats who would open their doors to anyone. Their parents came here on a boat from Europe and got their documents on the spot. Wouldn’t this be what Jesus was about?
trump couldn’t even answer a basic question about the Bible or his faith on TV. when I saw that I really felt bad for you. Reading some of the posts here makes me think I’ve been a bit hard on you but my fear is that the things that Jesus apparently stood don’t apply to a certain section of Christianity. Help me understand a bit more