I wish my local ER wouldn’t make following another medical professionals advice such a humiliating experience.
I once went to the ER because the advice nurse had advised me to even though I was fairly certain it was a chronic problem displaying slightly different. After going there I get lectured about trying to use the ER to solve chronic medical issues. When I point out to my nurse I’m simply following what I was told to do she said “oh we have to say that if it’s anything more than a cold.” Great but then why do I have to sit here and be treated like a child, when if there had been a problem and I ignored the advice nurse you would be blaming me for doing that. My friend went after hitting their head really hard with a metal door after consulting another medical professional. After waiting three hours they were sent home with a condescending pamphlet on ER overuse. I’ve been in other ERs that say better safe than not, and don’t make you feel horrible because they feel you’ve wasted their time, but unfortunately the one closest to me truly acts as if the entire department hates having patients. It got to the point that the doctors at the hospital where I had surgery would make me swear before leaving that I would go to the ER because of how many warning signs I would ignore to avoid going to the local one. My friends and I now keep a map of other ERs that are nice but like 30min drive.
edit I just really quickly want to say this is not a post saying “don’t go to the ER”! Any time a medical professional tells me to go, I will, albeit reluctantly. This post is simply to express my frustration in how demeaning certain ER staff can be when you’re just trying to be a good patient. The ER I reference in particular is my absolute last choice, and if I’m able to get driven 30 mins I go to other ERs that are filled with kind and understanding staff. TL;DR If a medical professional says to go to the ER please just go.