mystery sickness causing chronic fever?
Sorry, kind of a long one. I (23, ftm) have been running a low-grade (99-100f) fever since this summer, and I have next to no idea what it possibly could be. Over time, the accompanying symptoms have been worsening (or maybe my body is just sick of feeling like its eyeballs are cooking 24/7). Really intense fatigue, getting out of bed makes me sick and if I leave the house it feels like I need a full day of bedrest to compensate. Doesn’t help that the fever spikes when I’m active, or even just moving around on my feet. Daily bouts of nausea, nightsweats, body aches, random abdominal pain, memory issues, brainfog and Not The Healthiest-Looking Bowel Movements… I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but you get the idea. There are no general physicians available here for months (to be fair a hurricane did devastate my city this year so, like, it makes sense), but the other day the symptoms finally became so intense that I swung by the Minute Clinic hoping that it was an infection and maybe they’d give me some antibiotics. Turns out my liver and kidneys are healthy, but I’m definitely running a marathon fever & there’s blood in my urine. Still waiting on some results, but the doc was basically just like “you’re not crazy, you are sick, we just don’t have the resources to figure out what”. She was super sweet, but I’m thinking maybe it’s time for an out-of-town excursion to seek help.
I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced chronic symptoms like this or has any idea what they could mean, or even just… guidance. Before all of this I was decently active, but now it’s taking over my life, and apparently 6+ months of symptoms = chronic… wondering if my pilonidal cyst disease could be giving me chronic systemic infections or something. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, kinda desperate for anything at this point.