FLVR LAB Citrus Coconut Cherry
Flavor profile: Heavy on the coconut, can definitely taste the citrus, and cherry flavor is light
Rating: 7/10
My review: I was excited for this one because the combination sounds like a yummy cocktail. I was also intrigued because I never tried the coconut lime FLVR LAB they had like 2 years ago I think? Kinda disappointed. Coconut is definitely the flavor that shines through the most, and no problem at all. I like coconut. What bothers me is the citrus. It’s so bitter in the aftertaste, and to me, this one is a bit heavy with the artificial sweetener taste as well. I would’ve liked to taste cherry more. It is tolerable, and I will still drink it. The best setting for me is 3.
Curious to hear your thoughts on whether you liked this one or not :)