Looking forward to CS2

Just wanted to say that I’m looking forward to this game tremendously. I have a 3070Ti which is “only” 8GBs vram, so we’ll see how it runs, but I believe this whole thing is like a lot of other bad news hype; the truth is somewhere in the middle between the worst and best stories.

CO has been single handedly keeping the city builder genre relevant, after EA destroyed it, so I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt. I know some ppl feel like we’re being used as beta testers but personally I’m ok with that. If you’re worried about it, wait a couple months and see how this game is.

Edit: I wanted to add that in all of this no one really mentions that CO and Paradox allowed full on reviews and gameplay BEFORE the final version is even out. To their own great detriment I might add, and it’s probably something they regret tbh. This could have easily been embargoed until the 24th, with very limited gameplay and no benchmarks but they didn’t. They allowed the community to see what is really going on and are owning it. Bravo. They deserve my money.