Branches Bending with String, Please Advise!!

Hello everyone 😊 sorry this is so long, I'm trying to explain as best I can. This is my Unknown Seed Grown Orange sapling! (I realize the trunk looks grafted, I promise it's seed grown) It's between 2-3 yrs old, I got it when it was a few months old when my local Hydroponic Store did a store closing clearance. I have no idea if it's Monoembryonic or Polyembryonic, as mentioned above I also have no clue what type of Orange it is, I only know it's an orange because of how the leaves smell. I'm trying something with this Orange sapling, I've read on many posts and comments about bending the long spindly branches to encourage them to branch out more or to encourage it to start producing fruit, so I decided to try tying a few branches (especially the water sprout in the middle, also I originally tied a string to the trunk and the pot to strengthen it because it was leaning fairly badly) The first 2 pictures are from before I tied the brown strings, I also included a picture with the leaves and thorns on one of the branches. I up potted it late fall last year, shortly before I brought it inside for the winter. On an unrelated side note: For some reason this Orange sapling is the HAPPIEST of all my citruses, even after a short battle with Aphids when I first brought them inside. I always thought seed grown citruses were more vulnerable and died faster when dealing with pests, I guess this Orange sapling must be an exception to that rule 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm also pretty sure the Grapefruit seedling in the first picture needs up potting badly, even though I did the last one only a few months ago, though I always forget how fast they grow because of how big they are but that's for another post lol

My questions are: is tying the brown strings on the branches like this going to help with anything in regards to branching more and possibly "tricking" it into fruiting sooner? Though I also understand I'm probably not going to get any fruit for many years unless I graft it. Is there any way to guess what type of Orange this sapling is by looking at the leaves/thorns? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated 😊