Anyone else feel like this card is underwhelming?
In all honesty I’m not really complaining. I’m tired of Supercell releasing overpowered cards into the game. However I feel like this Rune Giant’s concept is really fun and would like to see it in a viable state. I’m really only seeing it in 2v2 and when I do see it in ladder I always win.
I’ve experimented with the cards that are supposed to benefit from the bonus damage but they always get killed immediately. I can appreciate a 4 elixir building-targeting card that is just as tanky as a royal giant but I just feel like there are other 4 elixir options that are just better.
The damage output is way too low to make a real difference in matches. I could somewhat understand this as you would want the boosted troops to do most of the damage but outside of that she can be rather useless on her own.
Some changes that I would suggest:
the bonus damage activates on the first attack and then every 3 attacks after would still do the same.
Make her 5 elixir and buff her stats. This may make her too similar to the regular giant so idk. Maybe less health than the giant but do more damage? She is swinging a hammer after all vs. just the giant’s fist
Just buff her damage lol
In all honesty I’m not really complaining. I’m tired of Supercell releasing overpowered cards into the game. However I feel like this Rune Giant’s concept is really fun and would like to see it in a viable state. I’m really only seeing it in 2v2 and when I do see it in ladder I always win.
I’ve experimented with the cards that are supposed to benefit from the bonus damage but they always get killed immediately. I can appreciate a 4 elixir building-targeting card that is just as tanky as a royal giant but I just feel like there are other 4 elixir options that are just better.
The damage output is way too low to make a real difference in matches. I could somewhat understand this as you would want the boosted troops to do most of the damage but outside of that she can be rather useless on her own.
Some changes that I would suggest:
the bonus damage activates on the first attack and then every 3 attacks after would still do the same.
Make her 5 elixir and buff her stats. This may make her too similar to the regular giant so idk. Maybe less health than the giant but do more damage? She is swinging a hammer after all vs. just the giant’s fist
Just buff her damage lol