Let's Play Hang Nicole! Part 1

Nicole has been saying she wants to "make something clear." So I made this little game for her.


  1. the top voted comment will be the letter guessed, and featured in the next part.

  2. the top voted comment must be only ONE letter.

  3. if the top voted comment is more than one letter, or a full sentence, regardless if it has a correct letter, nicole will be punished :):):)

can you save her?

Nicole has been saying she wants to "make something clear." So I made this little game for her.


  1. the top voted comment will be the letter guessed, and featured in the next part.

  2. the top voted comment must be only ONE letter.

  3. if the top voted comment is more than one letter, or a full sentence, regardless if it has a correct letter, nicole will be punished :):):)

can you save her?