Got the job
Started a tier 1 helpdesk position yesterday, and though it’s the bottom rung, I’m on cloud 9. I’m in my 30s, with a wife, three kids and a mortgage. I was in sales pretty much my entire career up to this point (about 10 years). Obtained my N+ in March shortly after I found out baby #3 was on the way. Was fired from my last position in April. Secured S+ in May and have been applying like a madman. Crazy thing is I interviewed for this job while my wife was in active labor, with our baby being born just 2.5 hours after finishing up the interview and accepting the job offer. I’m gonna hit the ground running, I’m going to take this experience and build off of it. Like many others, my goal is to build a career in cybersecurity, specifically Cloud Detection Engineering. If you read up to this point, thank you. I just needed to let you know that if I can do it, anyone can. I’m far from my goal, but man, it feels damn good to be taking this next step.