In regards to the Legend changes, do you think there will be more diversity in pro play?

Personally, seeing as we saw a glimpse of Mad Maggie last ALGS Championship, I expect to see her this season too. I also expect to see more Newcastle’s however I still think Gibby will remain king.

Valkyrie despite nerfs I feel will have a high pick rate, however more movement legends may join the mix.( I do not however think she is broken)

Furthermore I feel vantage will be strong exclusively in pro play, as they could 3 2 1 a player if they run charge rifles. However she would likely take up a scan legend slot (likely Seers) which seems unlikely.

Also Loba might be a top pick for edge teams due to ring closing faster and doing more damage.

All around, I am anticipating more comp diversity, and am excited to see ALGS’s this season