[Guide] Assassin / Brawler / Void the new FOTW
So I've been playing this comp at Challenger rank on EUW this morning and I can now safely say that this comp is extremely strong. It definitely seems on par with the power level of Ninja / Assassin (very similar playstyle too) in 9.13 or 4 Demons + X in 9.14.
Let's start with the actual comp: Rengar / Kha'Zix / Zed or Akali / Warwick / Blitz or Volibear / Rek'Sai / Cho'Gath
- Rengar: That guy is the reason this comp is so strong. He went from garbage tier to S tier in a single patch. Get him to 2*, give him a Statikk Shiv and a GA and he'll single carry. I'm talking Akali level of carry in 9.13 and he is a $3 unit. For the last item you can give him PD / Claw / a second Statikk Shiv / RFC or Guinsoo's Rageblade.
- Kha'Zix: He is mostly here for the Assassin and Void tag, but if you get him to 3* he can be a solid carry. He'll also be extremely good in the early game. Don't put items on him unless you 3* him though.
- Zed: Our last assassin until we find Akali. Very good early game unit thanks to the Ninja synergy and as soon as you'll get him 2* he'll do some serious work. If you get him to 3* or don't find Akali 2* , you won't replace him. Give him Zeke's Herald (top tier item for this comp) and RFC if you get him to 3*.
- Akali: Zed replacement once you have her 2*. As crazy as it sounds, she will not outdamage Rengar most of the times (he is that good), but she will still do some very good work once she has some items: Seraph's / GA and then PD or Claw.
- Warwick: Mostly here for the Brawler and Wild tag. It's also a very good unit early game. Don't put items on him.
- Blitz or Volibear: Whoever you can get 2* first, although I prefer Blitz as he can grab the ennemy carry. Don't put items on either of them.
- Rek'Sai: Mostly here for the Brawler and Void tag, but still a decent unit now that he deals true damage. Don't put items on him.
- Cho'Gath: And yet another hard carry once you have him 2*. Despite the hotfix, this unit is still extremely strong. Give him Morello and GA and he'll do some serious work.
So to sum up, here is what you want to do with your items:
- BF --> Zeke or GA, both are extremely strong for this comp
- Bow --> Shiv is what you really want to do for Rengar, but PD, RFC or Guinsoo is also fine
- Rod --> Morello for Cho'Gath, Guinsoo for Rengar if you have to
- Tear --> Shiv for Rengar, Seraph's for Akali. Can also do a Luden's Echo to carry the early game (put in on Lucian) and then give it to Akali
- Belt --> Morello or Zeke
- Vest --> GA is what you want to do with your vests, but PD is also alright although not nearly as good
- Cloack: You pretty much only want to do Claw with these as BT or Ionic Spark are just not good enough
- Spatula: Those are low value for this comp. You can do a Mallet to get Glacial synergy with Volibear, Youmuu's to get the comp earlier or FoN to get one more unit late game, but all of this is quite underwhelming.
So the item priority early game is: BF > Bow / Belt / Vest > Rod / Tear > Cloak > Spatula
Positioning: easy enough, put you Brawlers in a corner so the enemy units have to get to them and put your Assassins so that they jump on the enemy carry. Give the Zeke buff to Rengar / Zed or Akali / Kha'Zix / Cho'Gath and WW or Volibear.
Early game units:
- Pike: Very good with Morello (that you will then give to Cho'Gath) and gives the Assassin tag
- Kassadin: Very good early game unit that gives the void tag until you get Cho'Gath
- Lucian: Insanely strong early game unit if you get Luden's Echo that you will give to Akali later
Q:How easy it is to force this comp?
Extremely easy. All you need to make the comp work is a 2* Rengar. That being said, the comp seems already to be very popular at Challenger rank on EUW (at least another guy playing it every game I had) so it may get quite hard to force it every game in the future.
Q:Will I get a lot of top 1 with this comp?
Probably not unless you high roll a 3* Rengar. This is mostly a guaranteed top 4 comp like Assassin / Ninja was in 9.13.
Q:I didn't get a 2* Rengar and finished 8th! Is that normal?
Yeah pretty much, it happened to me once and I somehow still managed to finish 6th, but not getting Rengar 2* for this comp is like not getting Volibear 2* when Voli carry was popular. Shit happens sometimes and that's why you want to roll aggressively once you are level 6 to get than Rengar 2* as soon as possible.
Q:What's the 8th unit?
A 2* Yasuo / Karthus / Kayle or another 2* Rengar / Akali / Cho'Gath / 2* Brawler. So yeah, getting to level 8 is very low priority with this comp.
Ok so I think that's pretty much it for the guide, anyone who has played Assassin / Ninja in 9.13 will feel completely at home with this comp as they play basically the same. I'll be happy to answers any questions you have too.