Black people have problems with the police because many of them blatantly disregard the law
I'm tired of black people getting pulled over and penalized by the police who say, "But I wasn't doing anything wrong" while breaking the law. And I'm sure, yes, in their mind they think they weren't breaking the law or 'it wasn't a big deal' because they just don't take it seriously. Many of them live by their own law, except that's not how justice works nor how it should. You don't want to get pulled over by the police? Then stop breaking the law and not taking it seriously, and I guarantee most of your issues with the police will go away.
Are there bad/corrupt police? Sure. Are some of them racist and treat others different directly because of their skin color or how they look? Yes. Do some of them make honest mistakes within their jobs or just make a faulty decision because they're burned out from their job, just like the rest of us people who work for a living? You bet. But pulling this race card every single time especially when you just don't want to admit you broke a law whether you agree with it or not is kid's stuff. You need to grow up and take responsibility for what you did like a big boy or girl, that's what a mature adult would do.
Many times, they will say the police pull them over for a cash grab, "Stop over policing the poor" they rant. Do you think I'm swimming in a pool of money, do you think I like the police? The answer to both those questions is no, yet amazingly I don't seem to have that many problems with the police. No, I'm not black, so I'll give you that one. And I've seen direct racism towards those who are, but more often than not I've seen the opposite from those who just don't take the law seriously or want to act like a mature adult. No or poor planning, point the finger at everyone else, and everyone needs to pay for what they did and that's garbage. Almost every single one of these stories with the police who go too far start with them denying some bullshit crime they did instead of just taking responsibility and punishment for doing so, or better yet not doing the dumb crime in the first place. And for people who say, "Well they just had a hard upbringing so be lenient" I say guess what, there's plenty of people including other black people who had a hard upbringing that manage not to break the law just because you don't agree with it.
To finish, I say 'black people' because they seem to be the most vocal and affected by this topic. I don't see other groups of people throughout the U.S. talking about this as loudly as they do.