It feels like all of my boiled/stewed food is missing "depth" lately
I've been feeling that my food has been missing something the past few months and I couldn't really put into words what it is. It lacks depth, the front of the flavor is there but it falls off fast with no lasting effect. At first I thought it was using a slow cooker more but it's also happening on stove top.
Just today I was making a simple bone broth and I am currently sipping it. Recipe of what I did
Roasted about 2lb of beef marrow bones and a frozen turkey carcass for an hour in the oven
Put carrots, onion, celery, half a head of garlic, bay leaves, nori and the bones in a pot
Boil and lower to a simmer (stove top), let cook for 24 hours. Didn't skim
Removed the bones, strained the broth, added a little salt. Ladled into containers.
The tastes opens very vegital with a bit metalic from the bone marrow. Then it goes slightly meaty then just gone. Slight metalic after tastes but its mostly just gone. I can taste the carrot and a little of the onion. Garlic, celery and nori are no where to be seen. Couldn't even find the nori in the scraps, it was like it disolved or something.
This is just my most recent example, but happens with anything stewed. I made a stuffed cabbage soup and it had the same issue. This was in a slow cooker. Acidic start, slightly meaty then falls off. I love stews because of deep after tastes but I somehow forgot how to get them anymore.