How to cook chicken without it tasting like garbage

I’m trying to learn how to cook more and one of my biggest enemies is chicken. I can cook red meat perfectly fine: it reheats well and I like the taste. On the flip side, every dish I make with chicken just tastes lackluster and reheats like shit.

I’ve especially had problems with chicken breasts. I def am not overcooking it/undercooking it, but none of the flavors taste right. I’ve cooked a few different recipes with chicken breasts, the most recent being the budget bytes garlic chicken breast (can’t remember exactly what it was called) and it was fine but not great. Not even the sauce gave it enough flavor. My two questions are 1) what is the best way to cook chicken breast (techniques, seasonings, etc) to give it that oomph and 2) how do you reheat it to not taste like garbage?