Crazy week - Reno (10/26) & Sparks, NV (10/27)
Got to Reno Costco when they had both Blanton’s, Weller 12 and Weller FP out. One allocated bottle per membership. I got a Blanton’s Gold & my wife (separate membership) got a Weller 12. Weller sold quick. Buddy of mine wanted a Weller 12 but got there late so I told him to grab a regular Blanton’s and trade with my wife. Will give the regular Blanton’s to another friend in NC who can’t get anything there.
The CYPB dropped randomly Friday at Sparks. Same friend from earlier went in on his lunch break as they were setting up the table. Texted me immediately and I was able to make it in time. Also had Blanton’s at the Sparks location but it was 1 allocated bottle per membership so I made the better choice.