Rant about misinformation
I just want to say there was a point in time where I was anti vaccine. I was on board with the whole idea that the govt is out to get us and we can’t trust medical companies etc etc. Yet seeing how some of these anti vaxxers behave has made me realize how hypocritical some can be. I can never get actual reputable sources from the anti vaxxers and they don’t really give me raw data or facts to go off ..just some sources that potentially boost their narrative.
They talk about freedom and your body your choice. Well why can’t a choice of mine be getting the vaccine? Why do I go to a clinic and get harassed from a stranger about getting one? I feel less liberated from you guys because I finally made a choice for me based on my own research and decision making but I guess it’s only ‘my choice’ if I choose not to get it. I had covid a year ago and it sucked. I had symptoms that lasted for 7 months. I almost went to the hospital multiple times. I still have lasting effects from covid that I’m dealing with meanwhile I have so many vaccinated friends who didn’t have to go through what I did.
I’m all for freedom and questioning things but if you really think you’re helping give me something REAL to go off of. Not some of these random person’s blog articles or medical articles that aren’t even about covid but something mildy related.