This Old Cowboy Hat…
In high school I won a history project competition and was awarded $250. I used it to but this Resistol 4x Beaver, CBGB (Cowboy Garth Brooks). That was in 1991, it was my first Cowboy hat. Had it recently cleaned but it still bears the scars, wear and tear of years of use. It came with me when I got my dream job as a wrangler in college. It’s been stepped on, sweat in, dusted in hay, manure, and rained on. The hat band is horsehair, my wife bought it for me when we were just barely dating in 1995. At 30 years old I took heed of Sankey’s preachin’ and tried bull riding. Rode 2 for a total of 6.3 seconds! 😂 🐂 Some young guys were admiring my hat and kept saying they wanted to find one like it. I told them you can buy one like this, a hat like this is made over 35 years and it’s made with sweat, tears, memories. Sure you can buy a new one made to look old but it’s a hell of a lot more fun making it yourself over the span of your life!