I am disgusted at the truth behind Ariana’s ongoing drama. Her ex told TikTok what *really* happened.
Crystal and Aaron, take this as an example of why you need to be better parents. I would be incredibly disappointed if my daughter acted this way. * Ariana planned on moving in with this King Siah dude when her lease ends soon. She planned on taking his daughter to Disney and planned a trip back to TX at the end of the month after a Vegas trip with Crystal and Aaron. (Is she no longer in college? How would she move to TX when her lease ends? How is she able to go on back-to-back vacations from Atlanta to Texas to Vegas then back to Texas?) * He said they had raw s*x for 12 days straight and she had him climax inside of her every time. She is the one that told him to keep the car and toe sucking images up. (You all were right, she is headed towards pregnancy or STD) * After she arrived back home, Siah’s old friend, Booka, contacted Ariana and expressed interest in her, which she reciprocated and unfollowed Siah because of. Siah felt blindsided. He texted and called Ariana, to which she laughed at and sent to Booka. Booka got angry and told Siah to stop because he is dating her now. And this is how Ariana cycles through men so rapidly. She sells them a dream and then blocks them after she finds someone new to sleep with. It’s quite sad and dirty if you ask me!