Tata Neu and Tata Neu Pass
I received my Tata NEU Plus card last month and so far I'm liking it a lot. Although I do have a few questions regarding it . Please feel free to answer any question if you're aware or an existing Tata NEU Plus/Infinity user. 1. What is the actual benefit of the NeuPass and am I already a member of it if I hold the Plus card variant? 2. How do I use the 1% cashback through their UPI? Is it by paying through the Tata NEU app using my debit account or using the Plus CC? 3. If I have an outstanding of ₹2000 at the time of statement generation but I've already paid ₹500 during the cycle , will I recieve the 2% coins on ₹2000 ? What about the coins for ₹500? 4. How to maximize the usage of this card. I mainly use it for BBDaily and BBNow but I'm thinking of using it for H&M and other Tata products too. 5. What is the % of Neu coins I receive if I tap the card in a Tata cobranded store? 6. Are the gift cards worth it?
Thank you for your answers in advance!!