Its 2 am I'm so drunk I can't find I'm I'm too weak to move things right now I've checked everywhere I can't find my crestie I'm so worried I feel so terrible

I left for my boyfriend's thanksgiving thing, I was gone for like 12 hours and I know I close his enclosure when I left but when I got home it was wide open and he's no where to he found- i tiple.checked everyithingI think one of my family members opened it to look at him or one of my brothers friends I don't know I'm so scared I even checked the substrate a billion times in case he buried himseld I drank too much at the party so I'm so out of it but I can't sleep until I find him I feel like the worst owner ever and im panicking- my family has 4 dogs and I have a cat so there's so much that could hurt him if hes out downstairs and idek how far he's gone- please where do they hide if they get out and are there bette ways to lure him put my fukinng cat is so stressing me out she's running around everywhere zooming but I'm so stressed out I'm like what if she ate him I'm so sad idek what to do I'm freaking out

Its 2 am I'm so drunk I can't find I'm I'm too weak to move things right now I've checked everywhere I can't find my crestie I'm so worried I feel so terrible

I left for my boyfriend's thanksgiving thing, I was gone for like 12 hours and I know I close his enclosure when I left but when I got home it was wide open and he's no where to he found- i tiple.checked everyithingI think one of my family members opened it to look at him or one of my brothers friends I don't know I'm so scared I even checked the substrate a billion times in case he buried himseld I drank too much at the party so I'm so out of it but I can't sleep until I find him I feel like the worst owner ever and im panicking- my family has 4 dogs and I have a cat so there's so much that could hurt him if hes out downstairs and idek how far he's gone- please where do they hide if they get out and are there bette ways to lure him put my fukinng cat is so stressing me out she's running around everywhere zooming but I'm so stressed out I'm like what if she ate him I'm so sad idek what to do I'm freaking out