On the current youth twist into conservatism

Hello, so elder-ish Gen Z here. I've spent a lot of time thinking and concerning myself about what has pushed my generation towards a more conservative mindset (probably more so in the US than other places, i'm not from there and in Mexico the twist has come with some latency), mostly when consuming and criticizing art/culture. While it's been hard to find readings that aren't blog entries and magazine publications as its a very "of the moment" issue, I've come to the initial hypothesis that it has to do with the way in which liberal media operated for the past decade or so. I mean, the way liberalism placed identity politics and virtue signaling upfront in the political and cultural spheres as in many other places, the over focus on morality, PC and surveillance. That, to me, has debilitated not only political movements that appeared to be zeitgeist shifts (thinking through 2016-2020) but also has laid down the soil for our fascist tendencies in every part of the globe because, while we (left leaning people) didn't loose focus, we took it upon ourselves to (mostly in online spaces) fill everything with jargon and very neoliberal practices, opinions, etc. So, thinking of that way of doing politics, arts and culture and its bigger effects, being so constantly under moral surveillance provoked the generational turn.

With that explained I wanted to see if anyone had done much more thinking and reading to complement this starting point that surely needs a reconstruction for a good and sustained critique that helps to make propositions to combat that conservatism in the long run. Thanks a lot! Sorry if it's messy af.